
Posted by Randilin

Welcome to our new Health Life Style and Weightloss blog.

My wife and I have been gradually been making small changes to our way of living for a few years now. Some of them take, and some of them don't. We recently have decided to make another go a lot of them and wanted a place where we could blog about our experiences and also a place where we could track how we are doing. So with that in mind the idea for Our Body her temple was born.

The name comes from the old expression "My body is a Temple" as pagans we both believe that we work and do magic for the God and Goddess through our bodies. As a priest and priestess of our faith it is our responsibility to keep our bodies in good health. A duty that we have both failed at for to long in our opinion. Now we will be changing that and invite you to change along with us.

There will be several different features that will pop up along the over the next couple of weeks as we get things set up and ready.


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